Husband comes home drunk
And Breaks some crockery,
Vomits and falls down on the Floor...♥
Wife pulls him up and cleans every thing.
Next day when he gets up he
Expects her to be really angry with Him....
He prays that they should not have a fight...♥
He finds a note near the table...♥
Honey your favorite breakfast is
Ready on the table,
I had to leave early to buy grocery... ♥
I’ll cum running back to you,
my Love I love you. ..."♥
He gets surprised and asks his Son..,
'What happened last night..?' ♥
Son told...,"
When mom pulled you to bed and Tried
Removing your boots and shirt...
You were dead drunk and you
Said......" ♥
“Hey Lady “Leave Me Alone...
I M Married!!!”
That’s True Love...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) ♥