Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Boys get mad easily, but

Boys get mad easily, but

usually do not show it.
Girls get sad easily and can cry
like crazy! ...
Boys care about the quantity of
Girls care about the quality of
love ...
Boys can forget, but can not
Girls can forgive, but can not
forget! ...
Boys can never reject a girl’s
add friend request
But girls often reject it just to
feel powerful!!
Boys prefer the phrase "Boys
vs Girls"
Girls INSIST on saying "Girls vs
Boys" !! :)

!~ ♥ ~! Who Is A Male ??? !~ ♥ ~!

!~ ♥ ~! Who Is A Male ??? !~ ♥ ~!
! ♥ ! Something About Guys whichis True n Makes Sense ! ♥ !
A Male is God's most Beautiful andinspiring Creation.
He Starts Compromising at very tender age. . =

He sacrifices his Chocolate for his Sister.
Later he Sacrifices his Love, Beer nother Intoxication
for just a Smile on his Parents face..♥ !
He Sacrifices his other Love for hisWife
And His Children by working till late Nights.
He builds their future by taking Loans from Banks,
And getting himself Tortured while Repaying them for the Lifetime.. =(
Thus He sacrifices full youth for his Wife and Children
without any Complain..!!
He Struggles a lot and still has to hear the scolding of his Mother,
Wife and his Boss. And every Mother, Boss and Wife tries to control him.
Finally his life ends up by Compromising for Others Happiness..!! =(
He is that Creation of God that No one can compete with..!! =)
-Respect every Man/Boy in your Life...
You will never know what he has Sacrificed for you..♥ !!
Just extend your hands when he needs It,
and you shall Receive Twice the Love from him..♥ =)
Enough of Girls/Women/ Wife emotional Broadcasts..
Boys also have Emotions.. so Please Care for their Emotions..! —

-A Girl Wont Cry Easily

-A Girl Wont Cry Easily,

Except in Front of The Person;
Who She Love The Most,
...She Becomes Weak..!

-If a Girl Cries Bcoz of You n Still luvs u.
Hold Her Hands Firmly,
She's The one Who Would Stay With You
For The Rest of Your Life....

-If a Girl Cries Bcoz of Getting Away From You,
Don't Give Her Up..!
Maybe Bcoz of Your Decision,
You Ruin Her Life..!

-She Cries Not Because She is Weak,
She Cries Not Bcoz She Wanna Sympathy or Pity,
She Cries Because....
Crying Silently is No Longer Possible..!
The Pain, Hurt N Agony Have Become Too Big..
She hav been Holding For too long..

-If a Girl Cries Her Heart Out To You,
but Wanna Still Be With You Always..
Its Time To Look Back on What You Have Done,
Only You Will Know The Answer To it....

You r da one whu can make her smile back again.....coz she luvs u wd all her n hav given u da pwr to control her emotions... —